Support WORDij

Remember this image?

It may look familiar because you downloaded the WORDij semantic network analysis tools from sometime in the past. I am pleased you tried WORDij and hope you found the programs useful with your text data.

As you have used WORDij, you may share with many users your feelings of gratitude for our development of WORDij. Now we have a way for you to turn your appreciation into new tools for semantic network analysis.

It has been 10 years since the current version of WORDij was developed. We have plans for upgrading the semantic network analysis tools, but we need funds to hire the coders for the upgrade. Please consider a donation to support the further development of tools for semantic network analysis. With your help, we will have an updated package with refined and new tools for topic identification and analysis, sentiment analysis, and with a range of additional semantic network metrics that our recent research has fostered.

As a contributor, we will notify you when an update is available, along with tutorials and other resources. In the meantime, we will keep you informed of the progress we make toward these goals of improved semantic network tools and community.

We have plans for an update of WORDij and need your support.

Your donation of any amount is most welcome!

Please donate now. Click the donate button to use your payment method of choice.

Thank you for your support!


James A. Danowski

Emeritus Professor

University of Illinois at Chicago


Communication and Technology Sciences NFP